We offer various DNA sequencing services, including Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS), Whole Exome Sequencing (WES), Targeted Gene Sequencing, Methylome Sequencing, Cell-Free DNA (cfDNA), and Small Genome Sequencing. All libraries are sequenced on Illumina platforms (NovaSeqXPlus or NextSeq2000). Unless specified otherwise, we use adapters with UMI and Unique Dual Indexes from IDT.
Turnaround Time:
Data delivery ranges from 4 to 8 weeks, depending on sample quantity, project specifics, and queue times.
Consultation Services:
We offer consultations for project guidance and collaboration on protocol development. Contact us to discuss your needs.
Sample Delivery Instructions (for all services):
• Aliquot samples on ice in a fully skirted 0.2 ml plate with a cold-resistant seal.
• Place samples column-wise (A1, B1, C1...) and upload the sample sheet to iLab.
WGS provides a comprehensive analysis of the entire genome, including non-coding regions. We use Watchmaker Genomics DNA Library Kit or Illumina's Truseq DNA PCR-Free Library Prep for library preparation.
- DNA Quality: Diluted in nuclease-free water or EB buffer.
- Concentration: Quantified via fluorometric methods (e.g., Qubit). Nanodrop measurements are not accepted.
- Sample Quality: FFPE samples require high-quality DNA with qPCR-based QC.
- Volume: 45 µL
- Amount: 100 ng (gDNA) or 200 ng (FFPE)
For more information, please contact CTG services or open a consultation project on iLab.
WES targets the exonic regions of genes, using the Twist Human Comprehensive Exome Kit. Library prep and enrichment are also performed using this kit.
- DNA Quality: Must be free from EDTA (remove or neutralize before fragmentation). Diluted in nuclease-free water.
- Concentration: Quantified via fluorometric methods (e.g., Qubit). Nanodrop measurements are not accepted.
- Sample Quality: FFPE samples require high-quality DNA with qPCR-based QC.
- Sample Pooling: Up to 8 samples per pool. Pools are priced the same regardless of sample number per pool. Specify sequencing depth per sample or per pool.
- Volume: 50 µL
- Amount: 100-200 ng
For more information, please contact CTG services or open a consultation project on iLab.
Our targeted sequencing services allow you to focus on specific genes or gene sets, with the option to use either custom or pre-made panels from Twist Bioscience. We use Roche’s KAPA HyperPlus Kit for the library preparation.
- DNA Quality: Must be free from EDTA (remove or neutralize before fragmentation). Diluted in nuclease-free water.
- Concentration: Quantified via fluorometric methods (e.g., Qubit). Nanodrop measurements are not accepted.
- Sample Quality: FFPE samples require high-quality DNA with qPCR-based QC.
- Sample Pooling: Up to 8 samples per pool. Pools are priced the same regardless of sample number per pool. Specify sequencing depth per sample or per pool.
- Volume: 50 µL
- Amount: 100-200 ng
For more information, please contact CTG services or open a consultation project on iLab.
We offer methylome sequencing to quantify DNA methylation (an epigenetic modification) using NEBNext Enzymatic Methyl-seq and Twist's Methylation Enrichment Protocol together with their human methylome panel.
- DNA Quality: Diluted in EB buffer.
- Concentration: Quantified via fluorometric methods (e.g., Qubit). Nanodrop measurements are not accepted.
- Sample Pooling: Up to 8 samples per pool. Pools are priced the same regardless of sample number per pool. Specify sequencing depth per sample or per pool.
- Volume: 55 µL
- Amount: 200 ng
For more information, please contact CTG services or open a consultation project on iLab.
cfDNA is isolated from blood samples and can be sequenced using the KAPA HyperPrep Kit with Twist Target Enrichment and their custom or off-the-shelf panels. We are also developing protocols for cfDNA methylome sequencing.
- DNA Quality: Diluted in EB buffer.
- Concentration: Quantified via fluorometric methods (e.g., Qubit). Nanodrop measurements are not accepted.
- Sample Pooling: Up to 8 samples per pool. Pools are priced the same regardless of sample number per pool. Specify sequencing depth per sample or per pool.
- Volume: 55 µL
- Amount: 50-100 ng
For more information, please contact CTG services or open a consultation project on iLab.
We offer sequencing services for small genomes, including low-input DNA, using the Illumina DNA Library Kit. We use IDT for Illumina Nextera DNA Unique Dual Indexes Set A, B, C and D.
- DNA Quality: Diluted in nuclease-free water or EB buffer.
- Concentration: Quantified via fluorometric methods (e.g., Qubit). Nanodrop measurements are not accepted.
- Sequencing Depth: Specified per sample.
- Volume: 30 µL
- Amount: 100-300 ng
For more information, please contact CTG services or open a consultation project on iLab.